Photo credit: Jones Photo Historical Collection

Obituary Database

To date, almost 80,000 Grays Harbor area obituaries and death notices have been entered into this obituary database with thousands more available in hard copy at our Research Library.

To order a copy of an obituary or death notice, search the database and complete the form below. There is a $5 donation per deceased’s name, regardless of the number of listings in the database . You will receive them all. Records will be sent only upon receipt of payment to:

Grays Harbor Genealogical Society
P.O. Box 916
Aberdeen, WA 98520

To search by name, you may enter one of the following:
(1) LAST NAME (full or partial) such as Anders or Anderson
(2) LAST NAME, FIRST NAME such as Anderson, Petunia
(3) FIRST NAME such as Petunia

You can then sort by name, age, or birth/death dates in ascending or descending order. The results will include every entry in the database that includes that name, including the spouse or woman’s maiden name if available. Do not enter FIRST LAST NAME (John Doe).

If you find the record you wish to receive, scroll to the form below and submit a request.

If the obituary you are seeking is not yet available in this online database, you may submit a Research Query and a researcher will contact you. There is a $10 minimum donation for this type of query.

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Apley, Geraldine L. "Jerry" (___) 1914-1983
Apley, Clifford William 49 -2010
Apeland, Alice Bernice (Jones)w/o Einar 91 1909-2000
Aparicio, Solomon Albert 1939-2002
Anzurut, Norman Isaac h/o Shannon 80 1933-2014
Anundson, Robert Warren 51 1951-2002
Antus, John 1898-1945
Anttila, Einar 52 -1940
Antoszkiewicz, Stella V. (Spender) 94 1904-1999
Antos, Anna (___) w/o John 55 -1917